Sunday, September 7, 2008

La Ferme!!

August 30th, 2008:
I have no idea why we went to a farm. But we did.
I felt like a first grader running around chasing all the animals and trying to pet them.
This post is just going to be for fun. It's just pictures of me and the people in my program playing with the animals.
This is the farm.

Wilnerys, Melissa (Residence Director), and Ahmie petting the donkey.

Melissa and Ahmie showing the donkey some love.

Mr. Piggy. (My sister loves pigs - I thought that she'd find this funny)

My two besties in France :]
The whole group ate lunch at the farm. The food was amazing!!

Half of the group (we were too big to fit at one table).
From front left: Melissa, Andrew, Melisse
From front right: Pat, Mike, Rob

The other half.
From front left: Ahmie, Jon, Wilnerys
From front right: Me, Anna, Marisol

French coke bottles are so much cooler.

Melissa with the baby goat.

(you can see the goat better in this one)

Ahmie feeding the pig.


Melissa and Ahmie with the baby ducks. (In case you couldn't tell by now, these two were the biggest animal fanatics on the trip)

Ahmie caught a duckling... he wasn't happy about it.

Me and the donkey :]

A goat.
They were causing a lot of trouble... I went to go wash my hands after holding one of the ducklings and two goats decided to follow me up the stairs. When I came back out, I heard some woman yelling and swearing in French.
The goats had jumped over the gate and in to the kitchen. I ended up having to go into the kitchen to help the women get them out.

A few minutes later the pig went up the stairs and decided to give it a try. Too bad piggies can't jump.

Ahmie and the pig.

1 comment:

Mary E.Carey said...

Ahh, the French countryside. Great pigs and such a fun post!