Friday, October 24, 2008

Nice: Day 1

Our trip to Nice got off to an intersting start...
For of all, I was very concerned that I was going to forget something and ended up taking an extra half an hour to get ready the morning of our departure. Consequently, I only went to 45 minutes of my stage. Very bad girl.

We snuck out of our stage around 11 and jumped on the train that would take us to the airport. We got off at the stop labeled "Orly" and assumed that we were already there. Butt nooo... We had to take a bus to the airport. And pay an extra 2 euro to do so. And of course we had no clue which stop we needed to get off at because we weren't aware that we would be taking a bus and didn't know what would be closest to our terminal. Luckily, our bus driver was really nice, knew which terminals were at which stop and notified us when we had to get off the bus.

Once in the airport, we headed to our terminal to print out our tickets. However, when we got to the top of the stairs, we were stopped by a security guard. The whole upper level was blocked off. He told us there was some abandonned luggage and that it was a potential bomb threat. He advised us to evacuate the airport. Although the smart thing to do probably would have been to leave, we decided to stay with the group of other daredevils who were gathered on the top of the stairwell. After about 20 minutes of being huddled in the small space with an increasingly large number of people, the we heard a whistle blow. The security guard looks at me and Ahmie and said "Block your ears." (in french, of course). Our reaction time wasn't very fast though. I was still standing there thinking "why does he want me to put my hands to my ears?" when all of a sudden we hurd a huge explosion. Of course, we both screamed. My heart was beating a mile a minute. I turned to the guard and asked "So the luggage really contained a bomb?!" He laughed at me and said "No." From what I understood, they blew up the luggage to destroy it. or open it? Okay so i didn't really understand what he said. My french isn't that good - and they certainly don't teach you how to speak about bombs and explosions in High School or College level French classes. haha.

Basically, the point is that there wasn't actually a bomb in the luggage but that the French blew it up for some reason. I don't know if we do this kind of thing with abandoned luggage at Logan, but if we do and someone who's reading this knows about it, pleassee explain to me what happened haha.

But back to our trip. After that whole ordeal we safely got on the plane and headed for Nice. It was a small plane but the service on the flight was muchhh better than in the U.S. Before boarding the plane I bought a sandwhich because I figured I'd need lunch. Boy was I wrong - on a one hour flight they brought us one meal, and came by twice with refreshments. ALL FREE! I went to Florida once and they wanted me to pay for a glass of O.J. The only thing that was free was the peanuts. CrAzY!

This is Ahmie on the plane after we landed : )

I liked that the sign said "Côte d'Azur." It made me excited to see the water (because Côte d'Azur means "Coast of Blue" in French).

Once we got out of the airport, we had to head to take a bus to our hostel. This is a picture of the bus stop.

My bus ticket! Not that you guys needed to see this or anything lol

Ahmie getting on the bus.

Ahmie on the bus. That woman who's near her ended up talking to us and let us use her map to get a better idea of where our hostel was in relation to where the bus was going to drop us off. It's nice to experience the hospitality of strangers when you're out of you're comfort zone. It reminds me that there's still some good in the world.

PALM TREES!!! I hadn't seen them since the last time I went to Vegas back in 2006.

Ahmie had spent a month in Nice the summer after high school and was quite happy about being back again.

This is the hotel Negresco.

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